The split-parents Christmas Stocking Dilemma [SOLVED]

This hasn't ever been an issue for me, thankfully, yet.

Mum and Dad are separated, divorced, whatever, and now live in two separate homes. As well as staying at one place on Christmas Eve, the kids are going to be not-staying somewhere.

How will hanging up stockings work, there? The whole pressies under the tree?

It occurred to me, and I realised it would be an issue easily solved with a dialogue something like..
Well (insert child name(s)), I spoke to Santa; all parents can speak to Santa; and told him you weren't going to be here on Christmas Eve and could he come the next night, instead.

He said, "Well, (insert parent name), you're not the only one with this predicament, and do you know what, I keep a list of all those families. I can put you on that list".

So (kids/name/etc.) he's coming on Sunday (or whatever), instead! Just for the extra-special kids.

Because that's the way it is, all over.


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