
The "Other Voyager Router" page.
The main page started getting a lot of non-205 action, particularly folk looking for ways to unlock the BT Voyager 2091 router to use with another ISP. Then it turns out that BT are adding this "capability" to other routers in their range. We know the 220, 210, and 2500 have been similarly nobbled, and perhaps others.
Here is a place, then, to share what we know so far. As we learn things, I will endeavour to put the information up here where you can easily get at it. Please note, I do not personally offer support or advice for these routers, simply provide a space where efforts to understand and hack these beasts can be coordinated. And a place to grab the hacked firmwares, of course.
What we know so far..
BT has started putting ISP-Locks on their routers. For a company that claims to be evironmentally friendly, this surely-criminal practice aims to create a mountain hardware that's soul function will be to pollute the environment. Our grandchildren will not thanks us.While these devices are highly capable, they will be superceded, and unless we can bypass this insane "feature", discarding these perfectly functional units wil be the only option.
The BT Voyager 205 is not locked to any particular ISP, and when I eventually upgrade it, I will either pass it on to someone who needs it, or perhaps investigate turning the thing into an effects pedal. Hmm. What about the others..
210V ISP Unlocked!
The BT Voyager 210 has been cracked!
An unlocked firmware is available..
Check out the archive for an unlocked firmware.The original email..
I added "_BB" to a file cfe-voyager210_roi-v301z_a2pb018c1 I downloaded from https://www.voyager.bt.com/firmware_upgrades/btvoyager-one-click-fw-update I calculated CRC32 on bytes 0-235 and put it in 4 bytes 236-239 I am using voyager 210 with non BT ISP !!!!!!!!!! it is also uploaded to your blog ftp !!!!!!! host it and let's see feedback from ppl with 210 !!!!!!!!! please keep my name private !!!!!!!And there you have it. If it works, or doesn't, leave feedback, below.
220V ISP Unlocked!
The BT Voyager 220 has been cracked!
An unlocked firmware is available..
An unlocked firmware is available in the archive. There's also a copy of the original Pre-Lock v1.6 firmware, courtesy of Mark Eldon, which should take your 220V back to a time when BT had a clue. As well as firmwares for the 220, there's also this cute JavaScript hack..Big thanks and full credits go to C1 (lost1e (at) hotmail (dot) com) for the following, extremely cute hack. In his own words, roughly..
This new hack has been confirmed to work with the Voyager 220V. But not other ISP-locked BT Voyager routers like the Voyager 210. If you have such a device, feel free to give it a try and leave feedback below!I just bypassed the domainLock on a new BT voyager [220V] that I was trying to get working on Eclipse for a friend.
No need to mess about with firmware or process lists, the solution really is incredibly simple thanks to a little JavaScript magic :)
1. Navigate (using Internet Explorer, FireFox is untested) to this URL: (replace IP with whatever your voyager is)
The purpose of this is to make the connect page the only frame - other frames screw up the JavaScript below.
2. Open Notepad, and type in the following text exactly as it appears:javascript:function C1() { if (domainLock == 1) { domainLock = 0; } } C1();(the above must be all on 1 line).
3. You will notice that the connect page in your router refreshes every 10-20 seconds or so. After the next refresh, immediately copy and paste the text in step 2 into the URL bar of Internet Explorer and hit ENTER.
4. It will seem to you like nothing has happened - but now just enter (or preferably paste) your new ISP details in and hit connect - no more annoying "unsupported broadband service" messageYou must do all of this before the next refresh happens - so have everything ready in notepad for quick pasting.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This worked for me *AFTER* I had actually set up my new ISP (Eclipse) in the router's Telnet CLI - you will have to do this first. WAN settings are always VPI:0 VCI:38 PPPoATM, VCMUX encapsulation, and most other stuff can be left as default except your new ISP details. The above 4 steps simply allow you to CONNECT with your new ISP details AFTER the details are saved in the router.
Note: even the older Voyager 220 is still locked into BT's VOIP service, and at the time of writing, no way to unlock this aspect of its functionality is known. If you know better, please get down to the commment form!
BT Voyager 2091 UNLOCKED!
The BT Voyager 2091 has been cracked!
An unlocked firmware is available..
Apart from a rare and early release, all versions of the BT Voyager 2091 are "ISP-Locked", that is, BT has locked it so you can't use them with another ISP. More recently, 2091 users have unlocked it.. Extra big packet of Jube Jubes to Alessio for figuring out how to turn a Dynalink 1050W firmware into a working BT Voyager 2091 firmware (with a little help from SkayaWiki ), in his own words..
I tried to put the Dynalink 1050W <https://www.dynalink.com.au/firmware.htm?prod=RTA1025W> firmware in my BT voyager 2091 Wireless router - they both use the BCM6348 Chipset (check the brochure https://www.dynalink.com.au/modemsadsl_cur.htm?prod=RTA1025W).
I did this pretty much what I found on https://skaya.enix.org/wiki/FirmwareFormat:
From the Voyager2091 - cfe-voyager2091_btr-v301m-a2pb018c1 I took from the very beginning of the file
36 00 00 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 56 32 30 39 31 5F 42 42 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 31 00
and copied into cfe-rta1025wnz-v328q_a2pb01. The first section of the firmware contains data about the vendor: now the Dynalink 1050w "sounds" like a Voyager 2091.
In the modified Dynalink 1050W firmware, I was not keen on touching the following section which contains size/address of loader/rootfs (this could make your router unusable!)
I calculated the checksum with flipped bits:
bytes 236-239: contains the checksum from byte 0 to byte 255 - the checksum is 43 6C F1 22
byte 216-219: contains the checksum from byte 256 to the end of file - the checksum is 82 12 7F 96
Then I saved the firmware and uploaded to the Voyager via web interface, the upload went fine and the Voyager rebooted, it went up without any problem.
Alessio is on BT himself, so Paulo whipped out his copy of XVI32, did the dirty with the two firmwares files, and successfully connected his 2091 to AOL. The rest, as they say, is history. *g*
Check out the Useful links section below for the file you need. Then follow this simple procedure (adapted from Dan's comment)..
- unzip the firmware
- connect the router to the computer via ethernet
- in your web browser, go to
- select "Advanced" from the menu
- enter user/password (default is admin/admin)
- select "Ugrade"
- select from pc to router (top of page)
- browse to previously unzipped file (cfe-rta1025wnz-v328q_a2pb021)
- select "Ugrade"
- DO NOT power off during the upgrade!
- wait a good 5mins
- all lights should be green on router
- point web browser at again
- ensure the VPI/VCI setting are set to 0/38
- ensure ADSL is connected and web page says "ready to connect"
- enter broadband login details
- It should now connect without issue.
2500V ISP Unlocked!
The BT Voyager 2500 has been cracked!
An unlocked firmware is available..
A firmware in the archive (untested). I have a few of these kicking around. If anyone has problems with any of the firmwares, leave a comment below, and I'll track down one of the others.
Voyager GPL Firmware..
Part of that many Voyager firmwares is GPL, and publicly available; we have recently aquired this. At this early stage, not much hacking as been done. If you want to download the firmware and have a crack at it yourself, the releases (as shipped for free on CD from BT) are available here..Useful Links..
collection of useful things
Want to use your 190 with someone other that AOL. Grab this.
Want to use your 2091 with a different ISP? This is what you need.
Want to use your 210 with a different ISP? Look here!
Want to use your 220V with a different ISP? You have choices!
Want to use your 2500 with a different ISP? I recommend this.
promising open source router firmware.
Before you ask a question..
If you have a BT Voyager 205 router, try the main page . This is for the other routers. Feel free to ask questions, give advice, drop information, etc..
Just have successfully... bricked (?) my 2091 :( It only lights up the wireless led (green) the DSL (green) and power (red) and stays so. Reset button does not work. Could it be because of uploading the firmware via wireless ? I don't think so, anyway, the router has said just before rebooting, that the firmware was received correctly... and just didn't show up again. Reset to factory defaults (holding the reset button for up to 30s) does nothing. Only three lights are lit and that's the end of story.
Or is it ?
el es, yup, uploading firmware via wireless sounds way too risky to me. As for de-bricking it, dunno if anyone has managed that with a 2091.
Och well..
How do i use the firmware for the bt voyager 190 ADSL?
Please email me instructions. danielgtrindade@gmail.com
Hi, am trying to unlock my bt voyager 2500v no joy useing your mode any help would be appreciated.
hi there, im having a problem with a bt voyager 2100, i purchased this off ebay, ive connected to the net fine using the config manager and my username and password, but for some reason i cant change any of the settings in the config manager page, its asking me for a user anme and password but wont acept mine. i only want to security enable the router as its currently set to an open network,
any ideas on what the problem is and how to fix it?
much appreciated
:A great site
the firmware for BT Voyager 220v worked a treat alough the first firmware update got erased because the BT Voyager 220v can automatically update it's own firmware so discovered an a cracked firmware update 3.30m not shure whate it is because I havent looked at the router webpage for a while but everything is working fine. Just a nother thing is what are the parmeters id and password for setting up broadband voice so that I can connect my sky box to skyhq via way of the BBV connection.
just bought voyager 2110 for £2 off a strange man, having difficulty cracking it open, am on tesco broadband.
any ideas where am going wrong? i changed the vpi/vci to 0,32 from 0,38 username and password are correct but it keeps training then says ready to connect, i hit 'connect' and it cycles round to tell me am ready to connect. bloody thing.
anyone out there got a clue????
The Creeper, I assume you applied a hacked firmware of some kind. If not, you have no chance. If so, can I have a copy for the archives, please?
Just unlocked my Voyager 2091!
Much appreciated, good work!
I don't have the time, nor inclination to remain in this loop.
IPCop, all the way baby!
Thanks for all the comments!
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